Flat Tops

It had been several years since I visited the Flat Tops and I was excited to return to the area for its unique geology, dark skies, and numerous lakes. This time we approached from the east and after several switchbacks reached the only tricky part of the planned clockwise loop, the Devil's Causeway. At about 3 ft wide at the narrowest section, the causeway sharply drops away from both sides of the pathway. For those who do not like heights, it is best just keep focus on your footsteps, although the views were spectacular!


After traversing the Devil's Causeway we entered into a rolling alpine meadow that only reminded us of our elevated position if we approached its edge. As on my last visit to the Flat Tops we came across a heard of sheep guarded by dogs, but this time they were farther away and left us to our hike. It was wonderful to spend time gazing at the cloud formations over a landscape that quickly was transforming into fall. A series of switchbacks gracefully lowered us back to the alpine lakes where we camped and enjoyed a second day through this wilderness. While the Flat Tops require a longer drive and lack the attraction of any 14ers, I am looking forward to a future visit in this less populated area of the state.